Find and evaluate a popular source about the genetics of autism.

Find a recent popular source reporting on scholarly research about the genetics of autism.

From the popular source, identify the scholarly source to which it refers. Identify and evaluate the following:

  1. What is the APA-formatted citation to the popular source?

  2. What is the APA-formatted citation to the scholarly source?

  3. In 3-5 sentences, compare the popular source to the scholarly source. What did the author of the popular source do well? What did they do poorly? What follow-up question did you have after reading/viewing/listening to the popular source? If you could make one suggestion to the author of the popular source, what would it be?

Next: 9.0. Cognitive Ability, Educational Attainment, & Gene-Environment Correlation

Previous: 8.2. Activity: Summarize a Scholarly Source

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